A Better Red Bow

phoebe_emerald: yes!
atmospheric_acid: I'm perfectly ancient
Autumn Sun: cried
phoebe_emerald: a french grace kelly
knight_ofthelivingdead: I rem the scene with her an susan sarandon in The Hunger
wumpy256: clarence who are you calling an old loser?
phoebe_emerald: i'll bet you do, knight
xanax_a_calm_abyss: she was alright until she gave me a free sub to her mag
lung7s: haha
knight_ofthelivingdead: heh :d
lung7s: born was talking about the oldies.
wumpy256: what a cheek
xanax_a_calm_abyss: and I saw her face ON EVERY ISSUE
lung7s: and you're not the only 18 year old born.
phoebe_emerald: like oprah ginger
Domestic As A Plate: clarence must still be under the impression that once you turn 30 you magically start thinking like a grownup
Domestic As A Plate: i thought that
lung7s: so woopdeedoo
csick252: lol plate. true
Autumn Sun: I like Oprah
Domestic As A Plate: i thought id wake up the morning of my 30th birthday feeling like a grownup
phoebe_emerald: i love oprah
Domestic As A Plate: never happened
knight_ofthelivingdead: amazing isn't it, platey how that doesn't happen
xanax_a_calm_abyss: that is so ridiculous, what gets into their minds thinking people want to see them on every issue?
Autumn Sun: Oprah needs to reinvent herself again
lung7s: no thanks. i didn't ask for one and you might poison it with your childesh charm.
lung7s: @born
phoebe_emerald: proah's giving away free stuff today
wumpy256: i'm still waiting to grow up , wonder when you know its happened?
Autumn Sun: she seems to be holding up pretty well, though
phoebe_emerald: oops sp
knight_ofthelivingdead: not sure, puff...
Domestic As A Plate: well hayden, part of it might be that oprah mag is selling like mad
xanax_a_calm_abyss: I like Oprah more than I do Rosie
xanax_a_calm_abyss: I don't think she is on the cover anymore, Iris
phoebe_emerald: she looks great for 50 - good lighting, hair, and makeup help of course
lung7s: good old oprah.
Domestic As A Plate: yes she is
csick252: knight, learning to think is important. Having lived a certain number of years has nothing to do with not knowing how to think.
Domestic As A Plate: every cover
Domestic As A Plate: there she is
xanax_a_calm_abyss: a smaller pic though
phoebe_emerald: every cover
Domestic As A Plate: every month in my mailbox
Domestic As A Plate: nope -- she is THE cover
Domestic As A Plate: big as day
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