Jun 29, 2007

How Goes It With You

In that place between the life lived and as you'd have it? I mean...How are you? All the tics do tell. Bet the socio's smile to that, blend blending, until; and some never give a damn, some say they don't, and the rest lie, like me and you. Because caring is dangerous, and no fun of funds will hedge it, a known unavoidable risk, like breathing. Sorry for the 'til tell. It's just I run with neural lemmings.

Jun 26, 2007

False Archons

The composition of a tragedy requires testicles? How right you usually were V, to be so wrong there, but my syzygos says you meant it both ways and the double entendre was intended; oh well, this is no time for making new enemies (already wise to the ways of hell) [as, if]. Another Barnumite now boarding. Ephroms joints, always, make me cry. The death of Steve Carrell. You're up Colbert (The Movie). Are you in iLine yet? Eliot Spitzers eyes. Caracas crazy. Et, le monde.

Jun 24, 2007

Whacking The Mole For Freedom

Hey hey EPA, I thought you were rolled into homeland insecurity or something, long time non seeing. Detroit, coal and oil called for you, and I just have to agree with all their laughing, messages, you're too funny. FDA, you too. A mighty wind, no, heart. Ho, hum. Canada was robbed? Swiss yacht? Blair to the rescue? Stem cell stunner? Yes. Huh? No. No. I love Iranians, but fuck every mullah; I love Americans, and fuck theirs too. Iraq? It sounds, familiar, but I don't know it, at all.

Jun 22, 2007

Just You And The Sheet

Because it's Summer. And where pray tell are they? Where are you for that matter? The Danes, have two words meaning one thing, for zis, but I'm not telling. Explain nothing (yes you may have heard it that way); that's, all, another weakness marker, and we need our hair pulled strong and silently, except when we want, told, low, with menace, to come, squirt, stay; may also sound like whining in a whinging storm. Babies need believability. At least we've got love.

Jun 20, 2007

The 56,000 Foot Wall

Saturated? Seek level. Mesoscale convective complex? No, you're just a little neurotic. Spend that scroll money, they'll vote you in right about never, just like the Hair and Bama and Cago. Two million dollars to be mayor of Dallas(maso for sale), and half a billion to be King Con, you don't have to be gifted and talented to ken what it's all about, I mean aboot, as in fuck it. Safety where's your safety word?

Jun 19, 2007

Sir Salmon Mufti

Oooh an actor, he's got a pretty voice, did Maggie tap his shoulders? This isn't anonymous, but it isn't Sweden, either, you've got to work, not that it's promised, nothing but pain is, beneficent but unwanted. Jennifer Jones. I have no idea, but wouldn't tell anyway. RNC e-mail, delete. All of us at Sofa Super Store are devastated and heartbroken by this tragedy. That's what the lawyers wrote for us, those, heroes.

Jun 17, 2007

Twelve Days Sweater

Jeopardy. Jeopardy Jackson. Always works. So not imperial, more excrement, ty, ta. Have you ever felt like you're not in control of events? 'Kay, no more movies, even bad ones with worse memes, that one mm moment, but it wasn't the one you were thinking of, loved, remember? Okay two, also different from yours, there is nowhere not cliche, and nothing you would miss missing more. We don't talk about the president, because "he's" (so far and so so) a revolving office, and ours. I guess, godamnit; that's how we say it. Although some would say "it", is an orifice. And the other thing has two d's, the title's bent and the sentence structure (ha), no. Where's my love letter?

Jun 5, 2007

At The Nerve Center

I'll wear a fucking kimono if I want to. To All: The ones who want everything or just some something, and specially those in need of strong shelter from the passing madness. Es? Mutato again. Crash, the movie the beginning reference point, didn't get that far you say? You say: Nothing, matters, here. Avoid jackers and gearheads and professional cop/wifebeaters, sublife and sub nothing/right up in your face, their eyes giving away what you dismiss in hurry hurry, going? The body language of internal injury. Never mind call it a dream or a satire, performance heart, you've got to get going.

Jun 4, 2007

What Again?

Logging in is death, and: Fuck Gordon Bell. Can AI check for Prestone toothpaste, dogfood, question marks? My computer is my gun. No not really, not me (not a soldier, hate the term, hate the class) but you'd better believe it's in effect & firing for. Drones doesn't mean sound, air quotes, whistles past, stops. Meaning: "Drones", isn't meaning that, it means this: The whimper of politicki wind making willy willies in New Mexico, unseen by all but passing satellites and the antelope. Gleaning: Death from above; but you don't want to know, better to kowtow; go to your knees, look up, smile, do the deed, pick up a check. It won't be worth anything; but you'd have done it 4free.

Jun 3, 2007

I'll Take Care Of Babies

Four shots on a small hill, for freedom, for glaziers and the crazy eyed (this ain't no lunchline), glass and the sheen of oil and water pavement, mixed with blood, mucus, cum; no comebacks. Reagan diar(y)rheas, highways, empty hagiographies. Diadumpa(diorama)? No. Queen Nancy. Glossies suck that dick. Jihad on Duce Willis; they think this shit's a movie...this thing: The death of empathy. Is that that thing they didn't, between downloading clips of them slipping? Laughing in relief when they're not your'n, laughing and cheering when theirs fall down. To the future and things we can't forget.