Nov 30, 2005

John Tesh was my dealer...

and let me tell you, nobody is as bad as an ex speedball freak for hypocrisy, always trying to act all guru on the radio, well we know better, don't we John...don't we. Face transplant? Can a brother get a Yikes? I don't know "where we're going" as a "human race", but I sure am glad I'll be dead for it, except for this sliver anyway; speaking of pie, my little sweet potato, is your mouth dry? Nevermind the construction, watch the pretty colors of our oily waters, it's another beautiful sunset.

Nov 29, 2005

Some monkeys Uncle

I have a friend who is 6'8", but he wishes he were an inch less, because most doorways are 6'8" too. Is it really no fun, being an illegal alien?

Nov 28, 2005

(or Vice Versa)Deny Everything...

Admit Nothing, is rule number 1. Rule number 2, see rule number 1.

One More Fess(Pieter Bruegel Cliff)

How do you tell them how much you care? And do words have that kind of reach into our soft underbellies? I think not, compared to internal swellings.
("<----- romantic, educated decent lady who hates poetry.")
How can you hates poetry? It doesn't have to be out of a book, but we need it
it's like that definition of porn
"I know it when I see it";
like romance,
knowing someone cares for us,
and that we have outs,
we needs it.
There is you and me and our twins twins, ego and conscience, conscious and id; whatever that means. It doesn't even matter anymore, the computer will crunch it and we'll bite lips; and then toast "boat drinks" over our enemies ashes on the azure waters off the coast of Elba after looting Napoleons treasures, crying "Able was I ere I saw Elba", and cackling under steam for Gibraltars Gate, and our Carib home base home.

And she waits, and I wait, go guitars, go...

We will wake up and wonder; is it lemon drop(kick) reflux, or the slow burn of love, melting up into my throat? Women, rise the fuck up. Daughters, sold for brothers dowries, before they ever reach their own puberty; what a world. I'd like to castrate every "doctor" who ever performed a female circumcision, aka genital cutting, aka torture; what gall. 100 tons of Benzene, indeed. Don't worry, this will only sting a little. Mi hermano is right to worry, I was wrong; the love and worry for child only ends, when you or they do; and even then it goes on like gamma rays, and out of the decay, buds and shoots anew.

Sky High Sky High(The Experience, Goodie Mob)

Yeah, better believe that slick ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
yeah I thought you said you was the G-O-D sound like another nigger to me, ha ha,
yeah I thought you said you was the G-O-D sound like another nigger to me, shit
What a nigger do, what a nigger does and that nigger is what a nigger was and a nigger done read history but yet his eyes didn't see the only reason you a nigger is because somebody else wants you to be well a nigger uneducated, intergrated, singin' "We shall overcome"
A nigger trying to be white is what it seem like a nigger have become and when they call me a nigger to my face can't do nothin' but walk away but here it is niggers call other niggers niggers each and every day dividing and conquering when they say the lighter shades of black's okay after the middle class and they passin' by the projects laughing at where we stay since this here nigger done got grown, had a little bitty of nigger of my own should've known I couldn't show 'em no better what I was shown Shit, I still wanna hit the club as fresh as I could be, but really, it's all for another nigger to see you know how a nigger get when he see another nigger outfit don't want nobody to have what he ain't got somebody get drunk, get mad, and get shot that's why the property values ain't no good in a nigger neighborhood a nigger could overstand if he only understood I'm sick of lyin' I'm sick of glorifying dyin' I'm sick of not tryin', I'm sick of being a nigger destiny sent me to this dread and she said she felt led to offer me some wisdom from this little book she read and it said that right then the black man's downfall was not know that we were not ever niggers at all, hmm and then she looked deep into my eyes and said brother don't you know you complain about being black, when they mad cause they can't be black no more so many black men out here trying to be niggers keeping it real to the point that they dying to be niggers when in actuality the fact is you ain't a nigger because you black you a nigger cause of how you act but, you don't want me to tell you the truth, so I'ma gon' lie to you make it sound fly to you huh, huh, you don't wanna hear the truth, so I'ma lie to you make it sound fly to you, shit The nigger experience the nigger experience
has been stated, it was created The nigger experience

Nov 26, 2005

"They come and they go",

said a librarian friend to me once, about staffing and the non-profit biznass; and you better know that expression has legs, and heels that crush time like a far fallen watches face on the long fast stop goodnight; now I lay my semi-colons down to sleep, but they'll be back in dreams of masonry and alabaster thighs.

Damn all our littering soulless selves(nobody puts baby in the corner)

What fx? Ten foot game fences; ah, the cedars; red oaks in maple wannabe glory; rocks on tilt and shuffle slide. Deer blinds, with a corn feeder on a timer set for doom, twenty yards away; sporting! The North Atlantic is a knee buckling bride; with ghost ships for escorts in the oogah fog; the nightmare slam, that doesn't seem to end, and the spray rolls over all, tie it up or lose it, when the bow crashes crest again. Bob Hope's skislope need; Red Skelton's bugeyes; Sammy Davis' smile; The giant face of Milton Berle; four spot and double negative ago, vaudeville images of our maws and the need for more to chew. More. Chew. Break. More. So wrapped up in lives not our own, and those movies aren't based on a true story, and the ones that are, were changed for entertainment purposes; because only the box office is really real. But what of really real, any more?

Nov 22, 2005

Race Bit(Pen Horn Ethiopia)

Sweet needle tip; flood alarm, too late; Addis Ababa.
The beauty that is the European Beech.
The glory that was the American Chestnut;
gone and now forgotten, but for the furniture,
and the sprouts on the stumps, below the blight.
The most important part of faucet repair is making
sure of a good seal between the washer and the seat.
Looking at all the places we've been, backtracking for
the historical keys, to find the truth between myths,
and our stranger than fictions, facts; so we can find
out what we are, and what we were, but we are us,
and this is all along. Ride or die, as if you had a
choice; chain link and Chronos glass, melting
slowly into the roux of our simmering base.
The Mediterranean is an illusion of water,
and in reality is Aphrodite frozen still,
her arms pointed at the Horn along
the Red Sea, to the gored ignition.

Nov 21, 2005

Five Minutes(Eight States)

Good God. Good Grief. Good to know You.
I apologize for not keeping up with my own,
uh, comes out of a bull, ends in it? Yeah, that.
What do I write, that even matters? And how
do I condense it into a brick of golden good?
I only see the chafing, of my writing thighs.
Red and raw, and not wanting to put back
on the wet shorts of my mind, and walk.
I still dream of drops, and I like it too.

Nov 19, 2005

Psy & Co.

My Tom Sawyer
misses Becky
and Huck
the world
on benches
made of all our
buffalo billed backs,
with the rudder tied set to Greenland,
so we can have ice in our last drinks,
and watch the ocean, restake claim.
No more gulf stream feed, no more
circles of life, no more curly cues.
No, there I don't go again; I know
we're already there
not knowing,
but we will,
and will

Nov 18, 2005

Slate Sting Sating Sibilant Sounds

Sh. You. Stop. Go. Sa. Goners. Stay. Si.
Coo coo ka fucking choo kids and cats.
On what deep bombhole should I rant.
A kiss for lovers everywhere! Fuggers.
A pinch to your shoulder and tensions.
Crush meet Crush, meet the neighbors.
My next new ex her next ex and the ex.
Sounds like algebra, maybe a lessoning.
We are no less crazy than me, no worry.
This is Oz and the Sun is our wee Wizard.
Occupational safety wands for everyone.
Marshmallows, glued to the tiny bubbles.
That hold every color of the rainbow end.

Splog Counterstrikes

My brain is the siren
as the dog howling
doppler comes
and goes
We are gathered
in arms of Earth
which we shun
for dreams of
Magic bartered badly
and now the choking
debt to go for grow
evolving back
into small

Hello Friday(my victory over sense)

I love cold snaps, it reminds me of scuffling my feet for warmth in parking lots with all the other restless lonely kids; us boys running from our male pattern fuckedupness, and the girls trying to get their time in with us while we're still sweet and smell good, before the bitter truth rots our heart of all possibility but sclerosis. This is the world, how you liking it? Enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy; it only gets harder and more herded, and the other side of the fence is the edge of the world, right angle to our love, and the falls.

Nov 17, 2005

Super Deformed Spine

Debauched debonaires debate
false arguments and loot lots
with the congress of cronies
all of them, so very bought,
and you so, verily sold out.

Nov 16, 2005

Click Psychology

Wasting away in your seat, bored in the head, drifting on the net surf looking for a clue to as to why you're here; so you find a site that'll tell you why and what and who you are, like the old time almanacs told the weather(ha), half some old history, and half something swiped from an 1831 edition of "The Stars and You", digitized for your ad consuming pleasure(it was the blinking, help me, I think he's swallowed his tongue).

What if...

they made a vaccine that would save 10,000(US) women the curse of cervical cancer a year(of which 4,00o will die) and nobody would sanction it for fear of it clashing with their billion dollar industry of abstinence? This is indivisible stupidity.

Nov 15, 2005

Digital Tap

Flak is scrap metal trash
exploding in the skies
or real-snafu-politik
any old time or era
religious alchemy
no better penguin
intelligent resign
gnostic resins
of past lives
and B-17's
that were
then just

Nov 14, 2005

Freedom is another word for Nothing

Hold back supply in the front of demand(then gouge like the bloodsuckers you are), and we'll cry foul, twice bit, as the rigging goes on(coming and going, again and again), but as we're tied to the mast of a sold out ship named the Perfect Storm(of shit state), nick-named Piss or Piss Pos for shoat(the pig, not the typo), if you don't get keelhauled behind the fact we're running out of popcorn(here is the kettle, you are the soap); and all the stars are dead behind water walls and plastipaper pages drifting down that say, "Vote for WWIII, Keep the World Safe for Hope"; and your vote is as mute as the thought of Anne Frank, who said she believed that "people were mostly good", and walked the last walk knowing better.

Nov 13, 2005

Her Way

Yeah you know her but you'll never know
the same way you can't see 20/20
until after
and even then
motivation the animal
over cerebral objections
the cause and effector
the hormonal call
the sating stain
the forces

Nov 9, 2005

East Nile File

My oily fingerprints, can't love you any less; this just an oh dark early wake-up call to the woo woo impulse. Scrapple scares me, haggis too; government sponsored torture is 'the imminent threat'. Showbiz burn! My brother was driving and a brick (a brick?)(a brick.)came over the jersey barrier and smacked his windshield only leaving scratches on the glass; later, I turned my head sideways against the light to see the placement of the impact, and was grateful for the fine German precision of the product, and that it was just some scratched glass, and not the phone call that dare not speak its name. Elephants swim much better than you do, and the water's rising. Uzi's tend to pull up and to the right, lying eyes down and to the left, and gravity, always.

Nov 8, 2005

Secret Prisons Riot Fortnights Pirates

Back channels for my a.d.d., so I don't have to tune out the commercials, and actually have to think for 2 or 4 or 6 minutes, a human remote; and when she says "do anything to me, you need to do for you" I think to myself, be careful who you ask that of. I know the thoughts don't connect, semi-colon or not, but I'm pretty disconnected. Paris burns. That's hot. Conbush made baby Argentina cry. Brazil is big. Katherines Helmonds face. Claude Rains elan. My missing self, lost somewhere; I got close to finding it again, once, and then it fell into the clutches of the rough sleeper army, who made it a totem to the lost along the way, I waved to it as I laid prostrate in a shadow as it passed by in a shopping cart with golden wheels, that always roll true. Sick to my stomach from lack of voter registration and everyones apathy; everyone except the loud wrong factions that is, and I don't care myself, agitate all you want, the deeds and the names on them, remain the same, and you're wrong anyway, but we'll forget it if you sign this and initial that and ask Jesus for forgiveness and never speak again. If you ever loved, then raise your head and hold it, you are forever, if only (for) a moment in time. Goosebumps; scratches in the dark; neverending day; neverending night; never ending; run me down, so I can feel the freedom, of the pain beyond pain. Stage shows for staged shows with inner ear prompts from the producers, who get the word from monkeys with yes or no buttons connected to machines that pellet out their drug of choice, for your smile or frown from five seconds ago; this is our history, now; our anti-history, winding down story; we're walking into the ocean with weighted belts; back home. Now I take my hands in my face, close my eyes and press, to see the grid between dimensions behind my lids, and wonder how I'll ever be free of the lines. My second song, sounds of the first, and doesn't move you half as much; this is the inertia of our unstoppable momentum; till death do we die.

Nov 6, 2005

One for Eleven and Two always

All my tinny tiny not compute, compared to a kiss on the neck in the night, and a voice you can't resist saying what you want to hear; for day always breaks, even if the light doesn't deign to shine. You can see for 500 klicks and even recognize whatever 'it' is that you're seeing, under the right eyes and conditions, but on arrival 'it' always changes as we change on the way; and there are many mirages and lives to make, but one trip.

Nov 2, 2005

When the loving that you wasted, comes raining from a hapless cloud.

I'm not a dumb Okie, I'm a dumb Texan, and you, you're a dumb something else. What's it to you? Would you like me to offer up my ass for your label? I wear no tattoos; just a lot of bruises from the road, and getting put up wet and hot, with no cooling walk. You are so afflicted. Not so afflicted. Just afflicted like everyone else.

Soundtracks for Skins #33

Scratches all over my disc's best songs, sent in love, and I am pissed, running wild in the streets with no shirt and the cops just saw me, hello fences, dogs, and the chaos that ends with a clang; but only in my head. A life term was the sentence, when the gavel dropped on my crying self; and there is no putting it back in the bottle and I'm not sorry for the steamrollings, good and bad. But I do miss them rolling over me in bed, and making me rise from the bottom of my pond like mayflies, calling me up, to jump again.