Oct 31, 2006

Broad Sympatico

Huh right what uhh. I'm sorry you're stupid, oh, and poor...faggot. I'm sorry...you're a faggot. What do you mean that wasn't an apology? No, I've never consulted for the junta Bainimarama. Well, I know the twins through my daughter and their school in Switzerland, but I never heard of any accounts or favors bestowed on anyone, and although they did spend one summer at our house, I did not as first reported, impregnate one in a basement dungeon and freebase with the other. Thank you. Rot on Botha. Better anarchy, it's so, perfect. Global study sez: You a whore. Shocking. Mm, what's with the wires?

Oct 30, 2006

A No Picture Birthday

I need that band, Man. Better you had taken your width, or pulse, between your hands, and off to span the flickering of later dreams, than trouble chased, stalked, captured afuckingain. Work it out, oops, have to have eyes for it, and care, the variables of impossibility shine, showing their existence allfuckingright. Its something. It is that. Secret talks, shapes and shifting, light, dark, every moon yet.

Oct 29, 2006

On The Wings Of A Brick

You are coming back, as a styrofoam cup, and you will never die.
Do people actually eat at Wingstop? It's all dogfood, woof. I am so addicted; so a dick, transparent. Not that I think bonus points will be awarded, recognition is just that, everything after, is post vertical limit; whatcha got? Ground up mysterioso. The need, for what we would shun, on wantings gate. Rib meats and the pinkest roses.

Oct 28, 2006

The Hole Expansion

There is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, if we take strong action now. Wow, don't get a laugh like that every day. Republican Alan Schlesinger told a mostly African American audience Saturday night that he understands their experiences because he has been a political underdog who has been largely ignored and forgotten in the current U.S. Senate race. "I didn't get to go to the back of the bus," Schlesinger told a crowd of more than 100 people at an NAACP convention. "I got put under the bus. I've got the tire tracks on my back. We can go for a ride together that will shake the foundations of Washington, D.C." Oh stomach, make them stop! I bet the hit-by-a-bus lobby is tired of that expression, versions of.

Oct 27, 2006

A Better Red Bow

phoebe_emerald: yes!
atmospheric_acid: I'm perfectly ancient
Autumn Sun: cried
phoebe_emerald: a french grace kelly
knight_ofthelivingdead: I rem the scene with her an susan sarandon in The Hunger
wumpy256: clarence who are you calling an old loser?
phoebe_emerald: i'll bet you do, knight
xanax_a_calm_abyss: she was alright until she gave me a free sub to her mag
lung7s: haha
knight_ofthelivingdead: heh :d
lung7s: born was talking about the oldies.
wumpy256: what a cheek
xanax_a_calm_abyss: and I saw her face ON EVERY ISSUE
lung7s: and you're not the only 18 year old born.
phoebe_emerald: like oprah ginger
Domestic As A Plate: clarence must still be under the impression that once you turn 30 you magically start thinking like a grownup
Domestic As A Plate: i thought that
lung7s: so woopdeedoo
csick252: lol plate. true
Autumn Sun: I like Oprah
Domestic As A Plate: i thought id wake up the morning of my 30th birthday feeling like a grownup
phoebe_emerald: i love oprah
Domestic As A Plate: never happened
knight_ofthelivingdead: amazing isn't it, platey how that doesn't happen
xanax_a_calm_abyss: that is so ridiculous, what gets into their minds thinking people want to see them on every issue?
Autumn Sun: Oprah needs to reinvent herself again
lung7s: no thanks. i didn't ask for one and you might poison it with your childesh charm.
lung7s: @born
phoebe_emerald: proah's giving away free stuff today
wumpy256: i'm still waiting to grow up , wonder when you know its happened?
Autumn Sun: she seems to be holding up pretty well, though
phoebe_emerald: oops sp
knight_ofthelivingdead: not sure, puff...
Domestic As A Plate: well hayden, part of it might be that oprah mag is selling like mad
xanax_a_calm_abyss: I like Oprah more than I do Rosie
xanax_a_calm_abyss: I don't think she is on the cover anymore, Iris
phoebe_emerald: she looks great for 50 - good lighting, hair, and makeup help of course
lung7s: good old oprah.
Domestic As A Plate: yes she is
csick252: knight, learning to think is important. Having lived a certain number of years has nothing to do with not knowing how to think.
Domestic As A Plate: every cover
Domestic As A Plate: there she is
xanax_a_calm_abyss: a smaller pic though
phoebe_emerald: every cover
Domestic As A Plate: every month in my mailbox
Domestic As A Plate: nope -- she is THE cover
Domestic As A Plate: big as day

You A Sick Sick Man

Puppy for life! Mind the facebites, don't get in between him and the kibble either. 5000 edits 0% sense, thank you in the four directions. Bowing isn't enough? Better to the corporate nunnery, fragile frocks feel fine against the skin (and nature), below the desk, the taste of tenure. Shhh, forgot that non-disclosure sig., amassed in., as in, x.

Oct 25, 2006

My Mommy Said

That you have to go get me a Frosty and when I bore of cartoons, take me out to play, and when bathtime is over and bedtime calls, I get to practice piano and then run around. Read to me, because I tire of the sound of my own voice, in my mind; whoever that is. There's
a good spot for a semi, a good spot to get off; the rumbling thing.

Oct 24, 2006

Super Apology

Cantonese prefer that sui fresh, ness if you must, know food is heaven, and hell is a knot. The vast expanse is shrunken now, the waters the color of toxic heavy metals; yes that is a color, its like a tannic gray-black. Some things you have to see, but you'd turn away, back into the arms of phrenia and belief. Well, anything for a hug.

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Wow. Ok. So it hasn’t been Blogger’s weekend. Blogger was down for a little over three hours this evening, due to the near-simultaneous failure of a critical component and its backup. This outage also impacted the loading of many Blog*Spot blogs, which rely on Blogger for a CSS file.We apologize profusely for this outage. Blogger should be working as normal now. The new version of Blogger in beta was not affected.
Posted by Pete
Friday, October 20, 2006
We’ve been having a bit of slowness this morning. Technicians are on the scene. Update, 11:15: Most of the problems are resolved. Thanks for sticking with us through the maintenance. Blogger will be running a bit slower than normal for a short time (possibly for the rest of today) as we have a handful of servers out of commission. If you see any error pages, please just wait a sec and try again.
Posted by Pete
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Apologies to everyone affected by tonight's Blogger slowness. And super apologies that said slowness prevented us from updating this page in a timely manner.
Posted by Pete

Oct 23, 2006

Swaying Lubbers

And they say, "Show us your!" Is zis capitalized? Are you sure? I say: the Monarchs' make me melancholy, coming and bye-bye. Why do I even bother ending the sentences at broken all/I'm tired of all this punctuating, drop the g; they used to puncture the cans, then they had a pull tab, more experimental more better, drop re. Dropkick, what's that? Lots of people say worse than you. Only because I can't be bothered (again with the bother?) slagging the unslaggable, might as well believe in a politician. Daddy, is that really you? I think I'd like to believe (that again?) in "A God", because if we're "Nature", then I have to hate that too and it's such a pretty fucking day; how it all thrives in spite of us, amazes, and I know we made up the word glory, but it, is it; we are too, I guess, admitted only in a sigh.

Undoing It All Again

Get up get up get up. Oh, you're down again. I am wasted, but I'm ready. And a thousand other gigabytes. Staying the boors. And me always thinking vampirism was some silly shit, wake up pale thinking that nowadays. Betcha, oh never mind, this isn't Australia. Its a cane toad camo, do you like it? The warm softness, of those sleeping hips.

Oct 22, 2006

Our Duplicity In Namings

Humane Society? That's where the dogs go to die, that, and these freeways, at home in the baskets; on falling asleep away from the snuggle and the holes dug. Call it what you will, more favorite words or streams of them, favorite one's, telling, being told. You know, way too much common, I agree. But still, like the ocean. Not that its not moving, that it is and never stops, I mean there's no stopping it. I feel for Grommit, the sweatered set and partmented thritics; what do they chase in their dreams? Give me a year of your life in a night and win a squirt gun balloon stone killer. No really, whats the use in explaining? They just hear what they hear, and they aren't the same things, as the things said; mismatched binary programs, if that even makes any sense; I'm sure it doesn't, said with emphasis, italics intended. Now on to the next, broken sentence. All the time. Anytime. It's almost what I meant; even/if pointless/lost.

Duple Eek Self Backstabbers

Defend it? I don't have to for its stolen, though I should delete it all. I love Japan but I'm not eating any pickled anything, it reminds me too much of country, and the dear dead I won't be telling you about. Did I ever tell you how I went out one day and died and the dog I called Pup (Wow, I do have a favorite. Now that I flashback I see: Him jumping the creeks and shaking out the shiny droplets, and a big wet smile.) licked and clawed and whined me back into life? Although that could have been another me; I ken that there's been more than just the 3.

Someones Lost Anonymous Dog

Winter (in the city)

Is candle wax my scarlet A
Was my ass always clocked and smacked for pay
Do they ever wonder where a slave comes from
Where she learned to crave abuse
We’re always in the mood around here

They take me
They take me
For a standard tip
Relegated down to the slope of my hip
My dope behind, a bag of clips
A certain second of two whips
The first remaining in your grip
The next obtained to speed my slip
From Angel Thighs to Satan Clit
Predictable, I must admit
Tickle to slap one

You’re fickle, we’re ghoulish, we’re scum
We only believe in the one
Who’s foolish and worse when you’re done
Will curse us for finding it fun

They stroll in they stride in
Out from the office
Prouder than a peacock
Dumber than a rock
Burdened with their little laundry lists
A sultry blonde a tasty dish
Indulgence they deserve – they wish!
To pass palm
Sweaty palm
Sticky tights
In dungeon cells
And go back to the white collar

By the time they climb commercial flights
Down in the dearth of entitled frats
They’ve fondled the tails of society brats
Who marry the blue blood cuff link cats
And double down and belly up
In bank accounts I’ll never see

We stupid, we ignorant kykes
We never can follow the light
And worse when we do we just might
Not be always in the mood around here

For Googling Hearts Desires

PiperTheFallingestDownCat: Thus, the sparkling water habit.
skunkfacedrabblerouser: hi chat book internet people
tuporandomletters: hi tepid of the... yes fine ty. how's yourself?
dont_call_me_chris: i don't really like to talk about this in chat, because it's pretty personal, but my computer was brutally raped a few weeks ago
artsy_katy: I think ole Billy was messed up when he wrote Hamlet
tuporandomletters: in a good way, tepid?
tepidtepid: and i'm up to HERE in work
tuporandomletters: woo hoo
tepidtepid: yes, very
zen_garden_flamingos: hmmm......nothing like rape humor
schnerzazcho: it's okay, this is a safe haven for discussing computer date rape chris
crack_aficionado: Hamlet killed Ophelia's father with a wrench in the library.
tuporandomletters: exciting though i guess?
skunkfacedrabblerouser: I was about to note that I'm here representing the backwards state of Texas but I see I'm not the only Texan
tepidtepid: and now a blog as well
dont_call_me_chris: it's going to be awhile before my computer can have regular sex again
tuporandomletters: excellent
tepidtepid: so really really busy
tuporandomletters: a blog huh
The Fabulously Funky Fun Super: hi you
tuporandomletters: i shall have to check that out
dont_call_me_chris: it tried to cyber yesterday and just curled into a bal and cried
The Fabulously Funky Fun Super: im fucking back again
he Fabulously Funky Fun Super: hey black
skunkfacedrabblerouser: well I noticed you are from Texas, Shallow
vinjungl: earase the past
PiperTheFallingestDownCat: Too bad Capt Howdy isn't here. I finally saw Jackass 2.
zen_garden_flamingos: oh christ, it's a mastrubating aussie again
schnerzazcho: chris, I'm so glad you're in here
dont_call_me_chris: rape moniter they call it. when some computers are just asking to get raped. all tarted up in its fancy new keyboard
fox/rainy: is glad to hear someone else hated romeo and juliet besides me
skunkfacedrabblerouser: so you're in Austin too?
targethifi: romeo and juliet awfully boring
schnerzazcho: sounds sort of primal chris
The Fabulously Funky Fun Super: zen you love it
skunkfacedrabblerouser: cuz from what I can tell, this is the only part that isn't at least sorta backward
dont_call_me_chris: i'm glad you're in here too my only fan
vinjungl: for sure bigg boobs are a comming
schnerzazcho: you'd be surprised at who listens to what chris...
skunkfacedrabblerouser: yes, well, they have great Iraqi food in Kabul but I wouldn't want to live there
vinjungl: ring of huge boobs
dont_call_me_chris: you mean i might have secret admirers?
The Fabulously Funky Fun Super: mmm, food
crack_aficionado: i enjoyed "all tarted up"
schnerzazcho: perhaps chris
skunkfacedrabblerouser: I haven't sample any asian food yet

Oct 21, 2006

No Raw Bar For Me Begin

And back to the present, something like stress but different. Artic monkey's, the smell of rain three days away. Coming mudder. Worst punk ever. Four words something something. Now tell me how it ends. One barrel stomach and one broke head; no more numbers. The program, gets with you. No more gets. Yesh, or, yes yes yes? Don't. No to both parties, and no to no; as if, 2 sides of coin could even. Encapsulate is such an interesting word, like. Maybe I meant.

Oct 20, 2006

I am fellee green blue

No.1, wanker. Or one for the 21, with a shoutout to the NRL boyz,
& green felt tables. First space-elevator button pusher, gets a bolt upside the head. Uh-Oh, is that a tag? Wouldn't want to get above myself, whatever that means, I blames the English. Who all do you blame? Actually, I'm a phile; them's crazy, and do you need a better reason to adore? Your ass she thinks. I support the Jewish, anybody that picked on deserves a fucking break; and aren't all of the Arabs thereabouts semitic as well? You'd never know. Raising cain vs. able bullshit. See how they run the world see, and started every war, and yada yada yada. I see, same shit as it ever was. Fuck yes I'm crudité.

Oct 19, 2006

For Groundhog Days

It ate my fucking post because I played with tags, but I'll try and tell you what I said; by which he means type out through gritted teeth.
Say this for the boy, the only thing bigger than his heart was his ignorance. He was rank. Yeah I did stink, but I've been on the subways and we all do, so what the. Remember! Oh yeah. Now focus. I don't know why we get lost in the two dimensionals, but I'd trade all the screens, to have your eyes on me for life. To be with you and not bowed or broken, like they all seem to be; not to be pincushions, but preservers. Now I must go change this song. Bad pointillistic cheese.

819's Baby Alas

This song's for Mary Lou. If she's here. Are you here? You can call
me Mary Lou if you like! Yeah? No? Who knows. You know this one.

Oct 18, 2006

That Ain't No Tet

Ho Chi Wah, as in blubber qua blubber blubber. The padre of the 13-month-old boy Madonna wants to adopt has criticized human rights groups who have challenged how the adoption is being handled and said his child should stay with the pop star. Hey, my check doesn't clear until the paperwork does. Neck stents, prevent stroke risks. Buts that price will set off a massive heart attack. You'll be held to account. No really, you can have the fish, I'm on a non-mercury diet.

Why Do You Hate?

Like expose; flockingidjits. You owe me one fuck. To the drive-thru! Mommy can I have my own security detail? Oh uh, to push people that weren't in it out of my way. Coming through peons pens. Explain what you will, the questions evade, with a distract and conquer deflection, deduce and twang ego, yours for the telling. Now what are you going to do now that you've got everything? You ever wanted? All the time 10 and 2 too, 23 flavors of want and sugar shock, double caffeine. Thanks and shake you later. Or was it the shank with the neon?

Oct 17, 2006

Everyday Universal

Cover, blown. She got number. No big surprise-ose, the opposite of wonder, a long line in a series of. Same, Man, you say fuck too much. See 2. It isn't dangling though you may feel slippage, and sometimes you have to rappel. Down and out, criminal. This is a declaration of war, now give me what I want or else; I might just have to. Line A, Bindi, you'd better get to work those Maliwian babies aren't cheap.

Oct 16, 2006

One Returning Visitor

And that is all that will ever really matter. I take you by the hand,
and we fall, backwards into the future, and we're old but it doesn't matter because we've got the progeny, we are the archs, and they will take pieces of us and even things that we hate, and make their way; but this is just dreaming, it's all I do, that sleeping thing is the real world, and this, the dreams we make. Don't hate your DNA. We have so many other better. One's for all and sanctuaries, from your particular strain, environmental blight or mother natures dock. Half of a pun, is twice as bad; this is the river where I'll drown myself, then up for a tidy pyre, 93 octane and cliches burn fast and hot.
Ding, and she gets off.

Rain Baby Reign Go

That bridle isn't for nothing. Tropical depression meet your future, ours that is Jack Frost pumpkin pushers for everyone and a Roman nose, friends who only speak in pirate or renfaire. Eek, me too, witches are good, doing time in Salem, shilling for the white crepes, they pitter pat off the bus, and then back on, the gray army, see seeing, bye. All over the world. Give my regards to Frank, I'll never see that punk or his band's either. I'd say it was a shame but he'd let me down and I'd have to hate him, drink to his music, another burst bubble; by drink I meant alcohol. What do you drown in? You give it its head, that means slack, but not too much, then you wrap the leather around your hands and wrists until it won't drop, but not too tight, then you whisper gently and nuzzle the flank, but with your feet, click gently, no? Then you lay the excess across a haunch.

Oct 15, 2006

Black Bread Block

Sucking on my footsies like you wanna be waking me. Huh.What? Said like Chappelle doing Little John. Irradiated deserts for sale, I don't care what they say, everyone with one has bombed themselves. Pandora sleeves. Who?What. That's just why I just say just too much. Picking roadapples with night vision goggles. The tyranny of the blink blinking cursor with a mind back boilermaker. I hope Dante was right sometimes and I could tell, but duck it. Why is for shallow breathers.

A Touristing Occasion

The future is no more sanctified than the past, or now, I guess I meant pow. To the prisoner people! We drink, but they'd take the grain, the kernel of. One please, and watch them drop their eyes, lead you off to the back where the doors swing and at least you can let the motion trick your mind, into silence, for a while, for a while. Call me Tony two Times and pony up, out with the commas and into the broken, wide street, they call it? They react to it, and so do we, the it, mystery. First, kill all the writers, then to sleep, tomorrow is another noun. Duvets for the ones who eat from barrels, they already wear Brooks Brothers, dropped off by maids at The Goodwill; but we have only hard and Nessy, that and our belief, the strangest things.

Oct 14, 2006

Not A Waste At All

Sweet dreams Baldemar Garza Huerta aka Freddy Fender. Voce bella.

Stunk Means Stupid Drunk

Or what you sweat out after, work work ya'll. You can put that posse anywhere you like, but pick that damn trash up and quit throwing it down, heathens. And speaking of my LCD selfselves, Survivor hum boring, The Office sublime, Grays Anatomy McCheesy, but this is Sunday and is NFL football really interesting? Enough to warrant taking a 60 minute game for children and turning into one that lasts 180-210? You want a burger, a new truck and a frosty one, but you don't know why; hmm fat ad diction. Can I get smokes with that?

Oct 13, 2006

Pink Font Of Knowledge

Urbitumen. I don't know what this is about, but I love the title. We's need bread. Stupid bourgeois must be Americans. Don't get all cappy with me. This is just a picture search. Have you seen my vocabulary? I thought I left it there, but when I went to get it it wasn't, now I've looked everywhere twice and still no luck and I've forgotten what it was I was looking for and I'm so very tired and five minutes late for the door, that I haven't hit yet; it was your sunglasses and they were on top of your head and there all along, but you won't know that until you fall down backwards in bed in I'm giving up already sheeshdom; so you semi-colon up, the fuck here we go again, watch out world,
I mean, fuckers, I fear no Friday! Look out, it's a brown recluse!

Oct 12, 2006

Baseballs Pilots

I told you before, it isn't a laugh track show. But they sure are canning it. The race for the door ahead of the backdated stock
option indictments run. "He was here a minute ago, then I heard this whoosh and saw a big pile of flying papers drifting back to the floor, and he was just, gone." Backpass own goal? Try a little Nyquil. This was not an ad, it's just that it knocks you, yes, the fuck out. We support spam. In cap and small. And in conclusion, I'd like to apologize for my stupid drunk rambling. Wait, no I don't.

Oct 11, 2006

East Of Insulting

Pussy Pussy Pussy Pussy. There I said it. North Korea is the worlds biggest shithole. Okay, it has competition, granted, but you've really gone and coddled and sunshined the fuckers right into submission now (boy let me tell you). And our Dear Leaders (why I got to be chained to that?) ally Mushariffraff can't stop moving long enough to lead, less he gets gone boom on. Drop that and scratch it. China has a seat, Japan doesn't, welcome to the next great metal expansion. I have the feeling those Nips'll have something for they ass. Who me? No, I love the little bastards. Abdul Qadeer Khan, I hope you have really painful stones, and radiation poisoning, of course. Natch.

Oct 10, 2006

The Camel Diaries

whatisdoc: i am not on meds
simptwister: why? I laugh when I see something funny
Simply Kendra: then go laugh at yourself in front of a mirror
Simply Kendra: sick bitch
tyop: Simply Kendra will be ignored. ignore is uber shut the fuck up
napalm6dagger: me too myler
sara: over your head below your nose where it went who the hell knows
cigarettehigh: kendra, tell me a story
polar boi: I miss being a kid, the newnesss of things.
whatisdoc: hello rim
Simply Kendra: tyop open a can of shut the fuck up you sick bastard
simptwister: somebody's feeling tetchy tonight
sickboyiii: <<<<<<
a_nice_gerbil: heya doc
cigarettehigh: use absurdist comedy in it
cottonredwood: I have not taken medication in like, four years.
sickboyiii: close but far
a_nice_gerbil: hi r4ndom_wom4n
whatisdoc: for me it's three

Take These Advices

And never take it. Dennis has a good cardiologist. I don't know how they wrote it, only sang it, but sue we pig, sue we. The 1.6 billion paid by Oogle for UTube, is still 600 million short of the 2.2 billion a day spent in/on? Iraq. Sure could've built some nice levee's with that you. You certainly could have Ollie. So how does it feel to have the troika of Larry, Moe and Curly protecting the free world? Whew, I'm glad it isn't just any George Dick or Donald. Duck! Know I had to. I've never been to the kingdom's, but I do respect my indoctrination and love the old cartoons. North Korea? Never heard of it. Got Porkers?

Oct 9, 2006

Chinese Scissors

Now where was I? LCD, the fraction not the Soundsystem. This years "cycle" of ANTM has no ass, but Tyra, PHAT as ever. Monique at least had pretensions of Jada high craziness, but you can't win if you don't play; although I would have given her one more week just for giving Caridee that stealth Pussy Sanchez. Please advance the lottery points to my one good lawyer or my hidden papal account, thank you. Come again? Hey Mommy? Have you seen these words? Behind your eyelids falling asleep next to your baby? Baby Babies? Pro Eater vs. Boxer?

Vikings Were Here Second

And Columbus never made it at all. I celebrate his death! And our stillborn maize. Imagine, pretending to be alive all of these long years, whut a canard! I''ll bang bang if I want, add an extra i to illogical, be it too. You pull back shafts, but don't have the technology not to quiver; bad bun too. Tie me down when I sleep with a rope or a date hate drop in my milk, then stroke my cheek once with your palm, and once with the back of your hand, so I don't wave you off in my sleep. This is air traffic control, come in. Come in? You question mark it, and slot me a spot in the next retelling: of cattle car story.

Oct 8, 2006

All The Shredded Topos

Moscow writer's peers skeptical of probes. Please, not the big one, anything but that! Yay Scorcese! 7.1 million in Trekia, these people are a bloc, cultivate them or face the wrath of the illiogical. Man I'm glad my brother isn't the VP in Iraq. I told you, eliminate the Kissinger and the Canadian border crossing is yours for the asking, your papers and transit after that, are your business. I don't want to know: The mantra. Now turn your head and gawk, as the Careflights lift into
sky. Man I'm glad my sister isn't the VP in Iraq. How many more wounded down a rathole? The dead sleep, without deferment.

When The Bog Is Bad

It's bad, all the way. Abandoned Moebius was the name on the birth cert ... who gave it a mystery ... but they didn't own it; parentheses exclamationese. The last bit. They do it all the time, yeah yeah, for my third all and last stolen trick, is the only thing you need to take from the 80's. Let it go, and stop naming everything after Ronald Fucking Reagan, the Commies killed themselves, like we're doing now; don't get mad at me you can't face it. My fellow also polluted Americans, God may bless you, but as far as we're concerned, y'all can go and fuck yourselves. Stupid sheep anyway. And when I say killed, well, you never do know what'll rise from a grave. Do ya?

Oct 7, 2006

Ding Bad Bad Word Ding

Anna Politkovskaya.

Eight Hundred Blues

Oh Ocho, you so crazy, come over and let me lick the teat of your: word here. Why do it do it like that? This is a question, you know? I never looked. I do it like a cop, scanning all the time; turning grayer; ah the wrong. Reaction comes in, a brown bottle or maybe a brownish liquid. Fire, maybe it was white. By which I mean clear, the color of the iciest yet water; but the red, and its drying darker colors stay.

Oct 6, 2006

Everyday Birthday

And you can be whatever age you wish forever, my little hieroglyph. Did I say if? Funny, we meant chip chip chip, more; than this here. It isn't as good as touching, but what is? I always chafed at the cliche of two (long lost?) lovers bounding across the field to hug and cue spin, but seeing the hands break as the train is pulling out of the station, well, it gets me right there, where I try to pretend to be human.
As if either or any of that were related to our car show, these,
burnouts of our loves; may you have a bag for every impact.

3 Returning Hits

Stay out of Reston boy, matterfact, avoid the lover state altogether, we clear? We, wouldn't have it any other way. Now under my breath, ragged budget hungry tourist trap, but not so you can't hear it boo; because you should know how I feel since you're always telling how you do, and how I really should if I weren't, wrong; but I'm gladly.
New Yo can taste the same; and my love, each of us the other.

For Real Cirrus

Ginger Cat Abbey: so much
Ginger Cat Abbey: laundry
jung_at_heart: oh.....lets talk about bleach, ginger....
Ginger Cat Abbey: it's all the sorting, takes forever
Ginger Cat Abbey: I already did the bleaching
Ginger Cat Abbey: now I am on colors
Ginger Cat Abbey: doing darks
simple: i keep getting declarations of affection from people thinking
jung_at_heart: that's why you feel so down, now
Ginger Cat Abbey: I don't feel down
paddy60it: i love doing darks
paddy60it: a short cycle
r_balachandran_2000: hi everybody any veg want to chat with me?
Ginger Cat Abbey: I do all mine on the longest, with a kid you have to
paddy60it: i have two teenagers
jung_at_heart: i try to do the darks but they call me a racist and chase me down to the river....
paddy60it: and neither of them have germ issues
paddy60it: lol as far as i know
Ginger Cat Abbey: I notice things like pebbles in the washer
paddy60it: hahah jung
Spo: I was a very germy teen
Ginger Cat Abbey: I notice the stains come out in the longer cycle
jung_at_heart: sometimes i notice the mesquite bush in the washer

We Won The War

Zedo is some doodoo, and so is. My favorite parts? Rice praised the Iraqi government's move to suspend the police brigade as a "very positive thing" and said the government is "really starting to take action." She called al-Maliki a "very good and strong prime minister" and said he shared her "sense of urgency" about the need for action. It was a day of sporadic violence in Iraq, with no reported U.S. casualties, but a series of attacks on Iraqi police and civilians left at least 26 dead. In addition, more than 30 corpses were found in various parts of Baghdad, most likely victims of sectarian violence, some police in hiding said. In the city of Samawa, gunmen late Wednesday stormed a house and opened fire, killing two women and a 9-month-old baby. One of the women was beheaded, the other died of a head injury. The baby was also beheaded, police reported. And in southern Baghdad's crowded Zaafaraniya neighborhood, armed men burst into a tea shop and opened fire with automatic weapons, killing five men and injuring six others. But if you think that caca was funny, check this. Yes, it's boring and you don't know the backstory but its comedy gold. Okay, more tragic, tarnished with the color of bloodsand. Hellfire versus rocket fired stone unknowable. Hey Mister very good and strong Prime Minister, may I feel your muscles? Shall I play you some piano? Meanwhile King G pretends to listen in on the speakerphone, thumb firmly planted up his bum while Dicky plugs
his ears with forked tongue and humps the chair, softly softly.

Oct 5, 2006

Bearing Bears Baring

Kawamoto? No. How do you do? To 795 and the seventh circle around, where you should have bought land then, cap cappy capistan. Because we love a good ensemble somber, said like: on some. But you lovelies not being sober more; go up on the end of mo. It's hard to describe, but all we have is our mockery. All that and do you keep it in your head, or let go and make doublets of the words of those you're speaking with? We know the difference between, the joy of difference in accent, and being made fun of. Dawn? Haha.
This is its darker earlier cousin, and you are so related.
That you can live parrot.

Go Thank Your Mother

And since I am constitutionally unable to say anything "nice" (oh I mix some in, but mostly, it's pessimism pesto and misanthrope soup), let me give you a word of advice or twenty instead. Avoid pisces with ze dangerous eyes and always always watch your back, forever yes even at play and rest, most especially down by the water's edges, that and any ology or onomy; what could save them? Wrapped snugly in balmy cocoons of righteous knowing, fighting the good fight, they are what zealot means and you might have to walk with them under not quite coercion if you pass them on the way, but stay to the back and you can slip quietly away when the mob feeds off. Pleas to be worthy,
of the one who loves. Please let it be, plural, and a good while.

Oct 4, 2006

For The Composer

Que pasa? Its your little librettist, and I've come to make it then so I can tell you now, how much I love you, how much I live you. Like a dragons tail in a movie where the hero jumps on its head, are my scrambling wires they call them thoughts, but thats just made up words, and they all are; the babies need bottles of real, but this is formula. I write in song but they're all bad ones; no discipline, yet I'm always spanking. This has not been a pun, but so fun, sorry for the leaves falling in your eyes, but you know you have to jump in the pile, off of the loft and into the sneezes, off the houses and back
to the wards. Go on, play me something really you, I'd like to think the ivory wasn't taken for nothing. The picture is, what I do for you.

Oct 3, 2006

Buns Berms And Meal

But stay. Your news, your general angst, the color of down. This is:
the day before the day before the day, and it isn't all about you, no matter what your mind may insist, so go do something good for no reason, accept no thanks, or gratuities beyond a smile; if you can, mine breaks. Booger of the Dynamic clan. Made ours in ungulates. Dürer of the Rhinoceros. In railroads. Oh never mind my many oh, never my minds, my alls, my lack of punctuation proper, my running. On it all I plead the 5th and humbly beg your eternal forgiveness,
but having gotten it, I'll come up off my knees for your eyes.

Oct 2, 2006

No Good Live Actor

BART - Authorities on Tuesday tried to piece together the past of a local man and understand what drove him to open fire on 11 girls at an Amish schoolhouse -- with six having died as of press time and five in critical condition -- before taking his own life. Oh yeah, lets try to understand him, his motivations, his horrible childhood event. Fuck You: Press (scumma masquerading as saints) USA (mad, rogue gunrunner state) Police (bodybag toters, crooks, and security for the biggest ones) Pols (nepotist remora aristocrat wannabes). "Whodat Protected the Perverted Congressman?" Rep. Tom Reynolds, House Speaker Dennis Hastert and House Majority Leader John Boehner, that we know of so far. South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki Moon,
a soft-spoken career diplomat, is on the verge of being elected the eighth secretary-general of the United Nations. Bfd, the bluehats are weaker than dishwater soup. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says she can't recall then-CIA chief George Tenet warning her of an impending al-Qaeekda attack in the US. Yeah George, I've got a lot on my plate right now with the upcoming war in Iraq and making the world safe for the energy companies and mercenaries, but I'll call you okay? And Tenet gets to skate just because he apologized? And Clinton because, dramatic pause, he tried? Really really?

789 To The Nths

I'm thinking of those innocent dead amish girls. And how much I 'ate a martial uniform on the popo; so you're a commissar, for this you need gold piping and stars? And how much I 'ate my last post and every other one where I showed a sense of caring, because people only sneer at, or stomp to, the sight of it. I know, not you. You're the good kind of sunshine and raisin sweet, fine, sugar cane then, one of the finer substitutes. I go off because we won't, this is a dream ride, why shouldn't I sweat through its fine leather bindings? I 'ate you all.

Oct 1, 2006

For Over Year

They knew. But they knew before. So what does it matter? We've got axes to grind and hobbies and television to numb, not to speak of our pharmacopious quantities of backwash, choked down under the barrel of a state that only cares about putting its palms up for your bullets, for you; on the sure shot, I wish I could have. We aren't our own worst enemy we are the planets, and I'm sure you have some nice psycho name for it, but I'll take its beauty over our false and comic dominion any day of the fucking week; and fuck you if you can't take a few fucks. That's how we speak! I'm sorry precious. Drag it out like Tolkien. Take down your gun and go to school, because what else was hunters information class for if not for learning how to lay them low? To pwn for just one time, before you squeeze last, or get dropped.

At Boy Don't

Goddamn straight. But more crooked. Crow. Now mix it all up. Comma and chameleon tea chased with dirt scone and toxic turtle, that taste like childhood sugar rushes and lost time, never made up. Tell them you love them! You know how you drive. Walkers, how they drive. Trains wreck a lot, especially when communication, is only a theory. 2 way body language gruntspeak, with an artisan bread baguette for your mouth, if you ever think you might say
something unkind. I love bread! omg. I do too!