Mar 30, 2007

Your Favorite Room

Green and gold doesn't make hazel, apple bottom of my eye & flog the truth, you'll be overly defensive and then they'll only believe the calm lies, so go shoot yourself with a hobby or a spike or potable %'s. A sealed lucite box filled with coyote skulls? The unequaled quality of thunderstorm runoff as a fertilizer and defoilant both? Sky so clear you could pierce it like a balloon, and air, that smells like air for a day. Ok, it's blue and deep and pretty(if you block out the contrails and noise)[ah the stream that never stops]{sorry you were saying?}.

Mar 28, 2007

Tick Womb Bomb

How do you get the nickname "Bong" in the Philippines? Pullout date? When she says. Couldn't happen to a nicer colon. Yes, I'll get mine, too. Mom, put down that burger, unless it's a girl; did I say stop sucking? The joyeur of them on top, being full again, even with the danger of spillage, evaporation, bacterial mystery whatsit, worth it; even through the three's, sweats, square it even. Industrial? Only in flashbacks. More than cool? Special wouldn't cover it, and I wouldn't want it hidden. If you want to know how I'd ask, I'd tie you up with my arms and legs wrapped around you from behind and whisperthreaten down into your ear "you are mine, and you always will be", but who wants permission to bring the pain? There are safe words, none.

Mar 27, 2007

I'm Taking The Surfaces

Welcome back to tarantula town. Eight escape routes, less the air, steel wheels. The moratorium on tolls will begin: Never. Not when a pol can get paid short to sell us out longtime. Pay up, pay up, pay up, some rapper once said, and however you say it, same damn flow; and deregulation, is another way of saying: No no. Ugh yes, with no lube. Private equity? Mostly privation, 99.9% or so. We'll be all green now, we promise! All new! Except we're still going to have to charge you double the Austin rate, pink granite handshake dont'cha know. The no recourse sit on it and gyrate? Kebab I do. All we get are junk bonds, written in spit by slit-eyed forked tongues sewn tightly together with invisible dental floss in dim masonic homes.

Mar 25, 2007

Bear Badger Rat Baiting

Writing nice, I smell them fall away, now I can say all of those little things; except you still can't, well maybe in matched breathing as you both drift off, but that isn't here and now, wheneverish you read this, and it isn't said; written spoken or fucked either, shared in dreams or sweating through the sheets, but you know it when you know it, and it's worth a lot of fucks, even for the penetration people, just like. I don't think I'm Disney people, but for the babies' sakes, tally me ho, bad rhyme schemie boy, the whupped. Colorado dreaming much? Altogether now, say "za wah ta nay ho", but just the two of us.

Mar 17, 2007

Overwhelm The Whelm

Lordy preserve us from an IE error, baby got boxes up and they are business, strictly, just like she is; a chick who rocks. Objectifying nothing. Now a little delete, self doubt and shaken head what the: your word here. Everything and a Veronica Lake eyepatch to boot, long green ass, and that she cares, well, you don't need glycerin if you feel it. Do you feel it? How's your mother? Insert: Glad to hear it. Sorry to hear that. Here. I'm sorry for you loss, your gain. Did you get what you wanted? Oppo? Poor baby. Can you come to miss, flinching? I'm glad I was wild but I don't like the taste or sight or miss it, beat that. So, was he or she beaten or the beatee? Neither, but I see serrated edges. Stops starts and pulls, glorious sounds time.

Mar 15, 2007

Cover Up Them Tit Ahs

Whatcha know about amphipods, bees and the dearth of bonnets? Say what? I couldn't hear you over that sniffle and your oh so stunblocked beauty, and I think I saw the Venus of Willendorf outside bawling at the corner, and I don't know why but I have to go to her now excuse me. And just how cold is Kazahk cold, really, an Eurasian Lynx? Fairy Elephant Feet? No never heard it called so but it's fitting. The safety of saying nothing. Better to go chasing that first last stroke, on the downbeat of a happy messy end, than fucking around with manmade bore lightning bull something, playing pretend through steady slipping blinders. Who even looks anymore? I tried, but my eyes just slide off.

Mar 13, 2007

Dear Peter Pace

Only losing is immoral here, faggot. New Century mews: We are fucked; sub prime meet swirling drain and suction. I wish a mosquito would foreclose on that Bob Mugabe fucker already, sheesh, they have no AK-47(million and counting, killed)'s left over there, or what?

Mar 11, 2007

Nota Mark On Him

But plenty of scars; inner, outer and coming soon. Did you really have ta have to ask, or do you just like to hear them say it? Whatever, like the new old folks say. The days when the dogs die, no respite for, make your peace with that; and death too, but maybe I should ask for world peace and the tiara too while I'm at it. Avoiding ah the kool-aids, falling for others, some things twang and you follow, grow out of, all this another way of avoiding saying "breath" because it's dumb, shallow and easily said, like funreal words, choked out and chirped, said like they mean nothing, starring in swollen eyed shows under tents over holes. No not funereal, and yes I know they're broke, how could it be other than? I'll take the shot, if it comes to that, no wait I want to live forever. Please lie/promise me you'll never go; I couldn't take it. We scar our hearts with poison for life, but one missing love or even hate, can stop it like.

Mar 10, 2007

A Is Not For Effort

Whew he lies, and she smiles, cutting him up into paper shapes inside her mind and wondering, why're they all so fucked up? Am I complicit, do I need this, have I brought it on myself? And now to the symbolism and the the sign for the word: begin. No, I mean: again. No, I meant: fuck you anyway, it was vice versa; that's backwards for all my kin. How does your love go? Did it ever? Did you miss it? Flyers huh. A reward, yeah. You never write me anymore. I go where you'd will me, but only if you grab me up spryly and demand it, only an apology do we damn.

Mar 8, 2007

Woo Woo Now Jazz Hands

No tarp on the chalkline out in the storm. How do you get back from crazy? And is it suggestive, like comedy, the quality of pain? I don't really care what I think either, stay yourself. Not like that. Animals are a gauge of our kind or mean, I think we're mostly, not, except those who are, and I'm only saying I can't say anything, because we have it so good, so fucking, good and sad. You can call it whatever you want working out as way to remember picking crop to survive, sharecropping a crushing succession of annoying alarms, bag and badge checks, up or out neckties, power suits, and calves of the finest low melanin gene stock, shoes of the youngest, fattest calf, gate and glass to hide behind, you never making a showing but my how, do you wear that role; they'll never know I didn't mean the 2 l's thing, what else could it mean? Except as an accident; peripheral flit.

Mar 5, 2007

Suck It Connecticut Tuesday

Where from you? U tell me. Lost in space held down by the rocks inside by head, no wait that's gravity, the weakest strongest force you ever jumped up on a trampoline and up against. Now reach for the sky again fucker. Did you say fused vertebra? No, um actually was, compacted, accidental snowboarders. Ta, too much of that Bristol noise/pils and now for another promo commercial: quick cut to another cock; you know what to do! Die inside from self stew à la fear, boil, reborn, to the tilting windwills of day! And fate, which you don't believe in; knock on wood, my head, makes a handy substitute. Night is waiting, you believe what you want, and but hey, stay alert for what would feed on you and your'n, you hear now. Three dogs, one cat and one eye open at all times people, the bars over the windows fire regimen lecture is at 7:00pm sharp. Thank you.

Mar 4, 2007

Sprays Drips And Splatters

We're out of beta and ready to go. Cheerleader camp and first's of every sort, but not as many as Ma(ah) and Pa(who?) think. We we'll never know, flat bottomed clouds across the expanse. Rariddle me that: What could touch us? And how much is: 350.9 billion yuan? Alabama, sadly, is used to neglect, better save some hugs for the bases where they make soldiers or used to, back before, that term meant a basketball or football player, you know, patriots like that. I fucked Shinzo Abe up the ass with a big fat tree limb, but he asked for it, it's okay, really. Don't be a hater baby. Ooh, a riot? Hi hello easyjet, how much is a charter to Denmark? Yeltsin rules are not in effect, all protesters will be beaten, disperse or consequences, пока.

Mar 1, 2007

My Favorite Forced March

73% dark energy,
23% dark matter,
3.6% intergalatic gas,
o.4% everything else.