Robot Sexuel

Battlestar Gawhatica? MLK exhumed for a cycle. What gives up first, Mugabes bone or his teeth? Tibet gon' get re-re-educated, no news at eleven-ever. I pledge, more of you, on the ground in Afghanistan. 109 million in 8 years, sounds like stealing. Couldn't anyone in power(what an overrated word and concept, nobody has hand here, juice, call it whatever, human) see Sadr would have made a better dead martyr than live anal fissure(I saw it in chat, sounds mal)? Back when I still did that sort of thing; it's nice to talk to someone from New Zealand, or wherever opposes you geographically, but it isn't talking and they aren't them, and who the fuck are you anyway? Sorry for the ease, and the uck, oh well. The Satans of State suck Blackwater cock. It can't all be Beyonce and Jay-Z; The Final Four; did you see Mike McDowell in turn 1? 70% of our electrical generation is sheared off into nothingness, and most of the other 30%, stupid shit like this.