Jun 30, 2008
Did I Save It?

What's a blog? How meta for the firepole folk. More ad dollar power! Motherfuck Monsanto, those 5-4 fuckers, limp dick/clit legislators, phone companies, pretend presidents and all of its now winnowed wind-aided wannabes; but I'm sure you'll all get really good mental healthcare, spit, I mean drugs, tuck, I mean really, shithouse crazy; and as boring as 1-0. Like killing the world for something called an economy, and then they just shake their heads, that boy got a bad case of disneyphobia. Programmitis, bitch, and our cancers and mutations will out us all. But today is sunny and hot. Pretty, if you like that. What worries? That ain't runting, back to the fuckity thees: Media asslicking/fake angry reacharound backslappers, ex-military commentator/contractors. Who buys this shit? Insurance conpanies, 850 million dollar stadiums; the list is endless, and we and oil ain't. Oh, we all get contracted. Which reminds me of contact. I like that better. Not that close. I'll tell you every second, and never every second day, even if we only get to fuck that, sometimes, and you never know but, sometimes and things and people you do. We're all weird. Said it before. Queer works too. Still and always, Mo Mental.
Jun 25, 2008
Not For Her But Still

Like ass? What an. Both. Big Birds bolt cutter, the 7 dirty words man, Dody oh yeah, dead; la fe es todo, you will be too, but before you go soldato, kiss them babies bye now hear, you been telt. The middle westies, dirty norths, tribal territories everywhere. Way to pull a Kirchner, dems. Better check those Early Cuyler(Pollsters are good eating)/Bitter Bitch(And Proud!) returns. Thabo doesn't care about aids or crime, what makes you think, he cares about Bobs orphans? Toxic soup. Cyclone? Earthquake? What wars where? Way to go thief street. How 'bout Euro 08? F you and your water too, Tom Lee Jones.
Jun 20, 2008
Moms Angry Eyes

What makes you actuarially think we aren't 7 billion already? And what is "winning" in and of Iraq? So long Afghanistan. Southerly liquid eutrophication. Itchy bastards. Where was I going with this? Oh yes, back into the funk of things that can't be changed, no political will, no will; ok for testimony it's an 8 hour minimum and all expenses.
Jun 6, 2008
Bog Mist Low

Sweeter than any cobbler juice. Hotter than the day. The smile that. Star map? No. One star. So speak up. No wishing is hallowed. Were you happy with your divorce? People are weird, and this is not color coded, tribe affiliated, gang wannabe. Don't delete, fight; it's a lose lose, except when you win. Except you don't, ever. Maybe the small teams; skirmishes; resets; it doesn't have to be mean or negative.
Jun 3, 2008
Jet Stream High

Planet Green, if there's a buck in it, ecomaniac. Scotty McC, no shit, Sherlock; and now to the rack for not having "honor" in a place with none, wouldn't know it, and that goes for you too Medias, bray bray. It's a freeway jihad. Oops can't use that word, that's a look-up check-on. Community, gated, to keep the insanity in, psst follow me I know a hole through a bramble type thicket thing, but you can't pass on the other side, not in those clothes, and nobody walks, not around here. See how they care Soldier? Oh yeah. Simon says see how they care.