Sweet needle tip; flood alarm, too late; Addis Ababa.
The beauty that
is the European Beech.
The glory that
was the American Chestnut;
gone and now forgotten, but for the furniture,
and the sprouts on the stumps, below the blight.
The most important part of faucet repair is making
sure of a good seal between the washer and the seat.
Looking at all the places we've been, backtracking for
the historical keys, to find the truth between myths,
and our stranger than fictions, facts; so we can find
out what we are, and what we were, but we are us,
and this is all along. Ride or die, as if you had a
choice; chain link and Chronos glass, melting
slowly into the roux of our simmering base.
The Mediterranean is an illusion of water,
and in reality is Aphrodite frozen still,
her arms pointed at the Horn along
the Red Sea, to the gored ignition.