Jan 26, 2007
I tried to sleep for a long time(one hand over crotch and one eye open) but the asshole's always waiting, and so much meaner, and louder and a stranger to the quiet ones who shake their non-existent domes en rage. Intractable untrackable, better not to use any dots or dashes at all, only squeezes and breaks, work as currency for the clashing of rocks and heads(vice versa), between spots seers.
Jan 25, 2007
Say The Slash
Is better than any apocalypse porn, or the puppy gets it! I see you, tank like a 14 immigrant van (but visible), the air blowing through freshly groomed locks, winter sweaters in effect, tongue lolling my baby! But you like the bump I understand, chick chick; no not like heads up. She love small furry mystery; no, them and their dogs, freak. The only thing we love more than getting off, is getting it wrong; for the afterfight, I don't know; all we write, is shoulders reaching for sky, or however you shrug in your babel of choice.
Jan 24, 2007
Aspergers Artificial Anus
Or however you spell that. Media player, how multi-use are you? Not the kind that turns your own songs orange and aurally verboten, the kind where you think you're learning something they didn't want you to know or didn't care enough about to dub it eyes-only, red herring yellow dog brokedick blues version: who gives a fuckfly? I am not a nihilist, just another; carbon expanding/based, megawatt beggar.
Jan 22, 2007
I Thing You Meant Mere
Met here? Not in my biography, he was a candlemaker and she was a wizard, but not the gay LOTR kind; sorry Tolkien nations, but he died when the trilogy hit, and synergy is just another word for rape. You got them leeches man? Bust out Humphrey! If you have to ask, you didn't have a step-dad. I capitalize what I want! Raise the flags, nobody gave a shit about Fjord, his wife and 28 day "vacations", they know from Q, as in rating, as in just give it up. Is it wet yet? Devon slick! Serbia? Still fucked. 2008? See: Serbia. Calderon? Watching back. Chavez? Get fucked. Bush? Tax this. Iraq/n? See: Chavez.
Jan 21, 2007
Crevasse Crawly
I'm not saying "fuck google ads", okay? Relax, unpucker already, let your pores contract; I'ont give a fuck, philistine forever, before ho's like you even, add an e and get them weeds dug boy (said in three syllables) [syllabus available for 4 easy payments of $99 x priceless desperation]. See! No, click. No click. And staring through your fingers at what you will wish after you hadn't; those sad internal gravestones, of the things you never should have said, regretted, gon' done it again. No mas edit could save it. Finally, clarity calls.
Jan 17, 2007
Where I Apologize
For saying wog and gook and cracker, oh you missed that, sorry. And they say, slice bang boom uh, next never mind, now boarding. I ugh the blowzy jazz soundtracks from late 50's/early 60's movies. Meet my new favorite news source, its the intensest! No not really, fuck google ads, and as always, you and yours. Obama will make 1600 about the same time that I'm around for a BP refinery start-up, aka never. Please, these are the same people who voted for Junior Jr. twice; and Bill's husband, I doubt it. Castro doctor stands by recovery outlook. Yazza, with those twin zip guns pointed at him from the wings, I don't doubt that; or that C's dead already and in some walk-in freezer at a finer dollar-only restaurant in Havana; not that they don't also take ew's meaning euros and yuh-huh's meaning yen, etc.
Jan 16, 2007
Vice Oil Versa
Down to 40 and below, because it freezes all the time and nobody cares about any dead wogs (No, I don't know what it means, but I assume they were the brown ones I saw in Lawrence of Arabia, of course they were only down with their brown through makeup, I only know I shouldn't be saying it). But I'm a gook myself, both sides of the tracks were bad, and all of the deltas, so I'll say what I want.
Jan 15, 2007
I'm Sorry Sir
I don't do why but it says on my list right here all the Dicks have got to get to hell or frozen Wyoming, except for this one here with the asterisk; no you can't ask about, now pick; for all you SS types, fug your mother I'm a pacifist; that means I prefer the west and fisting beaus; yes, just like you; cracy is one letter off ra for that, drop the h, sun will still shine upon us, except for the us part. Something for the con, implant only because it can't be swallowed. Legal. Que tal?
Jan 14, 2007
Defending Your Cache
And your new whale shark skin suit, toxic clouds, missing sons (the bike riding, not the soldier kind, and no the girls are not immune, innoculated, or any other i word that stands in for safe). Depressing much, now just my tongue, so I can curse without you popping; or is it that you just deflate? Hold your wee for a wii, rhymes with dead mother of three, and also with ignominious. Hey I know from that, it fits my face like your foot. Metal tipped and bearing strain begin.
Jan 13, 2007
Is It Today Yet
No, maybe tomorrow. Not sense, that shit'll kill ya. But maybe a taste of a touch of, something that keeps you close, but not so close they push off and make break, fine lines, euclidean, not. Squiggle city and the run from the whatever that kills, I'm back for more now please. Please Sir/Madam, may I have some Dickens please? Worst of the worst? I know you, I don't know from where, but it'll come to me.
Jan 12, 2007
Jan 11, 2007
Such A Perfect Day
You're going to weep, just from the cold. Hello one, asleep at the wheel here, but shake me awake at Filter Road, you know how I love that stomach dropping dip they have. Ah aging, when tiredness alone feels like morphine, or maybe we just fuck too well; and only the nanny eye knows. Hey, we don't have a nanny, and I don't recognize that teddy. Take smooth shaven skin and a butchers hammer, pound until tender, don't mind the moisture, it's natural; don't be scared.
Jan 10, 2007
Sweets For The Sleepy
Cheeks and cheeks for days, the kind you fall into like loving arms when you're going down, sometimes they catch you or at least lessen the fall; more the feeling than the act, I've seen 'em surrounded and still hit the deck like dirt (the lucky) kismet, double crack bounce bounce night night. So, how's the shell game going these days? Oh I've been avoiding all that they call news, nobody need sigh so often.
Jan 9, 2007
Say You Want Something Real
And all you get are boys. Leave it to my keratin to agree, after I'm gone, yellowed and bit down. Tobacco taste, comes sweet in our necessity and sour at the crush. I think we should have corporeal punishment for all adult males on earth, biannually, at least. What's that why? Because we were only ever good between spankings, and some never will be good, and the rest only feign it and chase fire.
Jan 8, 2007
Potato Saturday
Lived in a hut down by where them storytellers stay at, all I know. Mostly sold shake and seeds to kids, and pretended at being a pimp, but his old lady also told me that he liked to cover hisself up in warm buttered yams and make her eat it off of him, with him, so I don't know what else he was into. Could be any, most likely nothing.
Jan 7, 2007
Why Is It Always Sunday
When they go down? Bud bottle breaks. Ah now you've gone and profiled, it wasn't even like that, but if you've got your story made up. Go on bring it back, when you've thrown it off for better rumor you'll see it fit just right. Another after, another close shave, in this bright blue dark. Did I say stubble? I meant stumbling lark. Driven on, within and without, caught on fences, snagged on hose, struggling wounded back to the burrow and I don't know what all; or at all.
Jan 6, 2007
Now Something Lovely Like Tata
The real thing, no carbonation required, but mind the feet, if you mouth off. I suggest you get inside her punch and hold her oh just so, not quite squeezing, but close, and then nuzzle, no, not the nozzle yet, let her know, what she needs to, never begrudge it and damn sure don't ever go begrugding that, and most definitely, never trust a word; even a long pretty string of them shaped like a heart and whispered like honey, fine then, your sugar substitute of record.
Jan 5, 2007
A More Dignified End
Than Sunni insurgents and Shiite death squads, tulip crazes and lynch mobs, Kurdish fear from all directions? Swiftly turning gray, use an e then Bunt, in a chair, dazzled by flashes that seem like blows. Green gas, gone like John as Paul dies the death of a thousand barristered cuts, but, no one cares, because he used up his capital; sometimes legend just dies from their owners own survival. No, it doesn't have to be refreshed, I refrain seldom, and incorrigibly remain, Yours in Air, Carbon Dioxide...Wrecked Celica Wreck Celica Wreck Celica.
Jan 4, 2007
Oh Yes He Did
Hey man why ya gotta blog like that, steal old ass beasties riffs and exhibitionistic tatas, be so ghostly white? I'd like to thank my Mother and of course God, it all starts up top with the big guy, bet, and my agent manager entourage, various groupies and tight family, you know who you all are, my love babies. Send me my pretty flags.
Jan 3, 2007
Jan 2, 2007
Either Keel Or Rudder
Stupid TB! Be more funny! Double spaced? Man I'm already out the other side, the of is as in course, dreaming. But all 200 million are right up there, on the screen, I don't know how you did it. Maybe I mean coarse, don't change it, it makes it. No Indo planes or ferries, pirate class only, thank you. Bombs in Bangkok? One of the terrists must have thought it was a girl he really really loved, no or about it. Boise State respect! Dangerous Dogs Act? What a joke. They usually get you one at a time, unless there's a pack, and all those scars grown up into to prove it. They're cat people I bet. Maybe fish, a lovely saltwater tank. Or maybe they just like sitting brooding late into the night, touching it over and over again, as they sail up above.
Jan 1, 2007
Sprains Stains Burns And Falls
Welcome to the new world. Whorls and sacred sweat, snap crack like a whip good. Did you wake up well, on tile or freshly mown duvet? Bit through a cable and, under the fence, bound again, bound to happen. Promise you'll always come back, smelling of wet leaves and laughing. The ice smells funny, but I can't taste anymore, and I'm an American(By God! TX Version 1.0) so most of the world thinks I never had any anyway. And you know what we reply? *Turns back cuts eyes* Inyway.