Dec 31, 2006

Jacket Buffer Cladding Core

For the partiers who will play chess with Mort. Radar image, there is no distant princess, no greener field, no weapons I wouldn't lay down to lie next to you, I want to be the novacaine, not the tooth, the bed fallen into, that happy place. Yes, it reads dumb to me too, all of it most of it, but sincerity is almost, all I possess; I want for nothing.

Ya Know Crazy Coup

I was going to write about how even though I was young, you could almost hear the whole of the country suddenly sucking air like after you get hit in the stomach, after Fjord came in and things calmed down back to their loud normal, but I don't really remember it; and have you seen, the long line of scumbags that were spawned out of those twenty-nine months? Well, just their work, and I have to say, I'm a fan. Why can't you just take up the cowbell? Shake it, shake it. Slowly, like that actor I cannot remember either. Better get the new prop, this one's done been sheared clean off, and according to tide and current we make bank about, time. Generation, how passe with an accent can you get? Wheel and deal, and the st that isn't a stutter, always and forever, muah! However you write that kissing sound and now for the pews. Everything, italicizi mucho, isn't a test, but they never stop judging; and putting up new cameras, everywhere and then some, and with the crawling/trawling up into your infos ass. Hey, I'm just trying to be a good citizen here myself, don't get me revolvered. Garrison, look down and tell me entropy doesn't existez.

Dec 30, 2006

Got To See Some People

What do I have this for, if not to say hi and still get to avoid them? No Fair Park, no game or fair, just a bit closer to being shut-in; a pretty color of bottle I don't drink from but it looks lovely in the backlight; another country lost in, never heard from anymore. Rectangled monks cap with a mystery L on the arm like a tat, guess it means I make fifty, now you pick one. Two? No way. Did you ever get out of the shower, and even though it's cold, you sweat like you are guilty of something? I'm racking my brain but I'll be damned if I can remember anything I've done so terrible, or even semi terrible. No blackouts or screaming fits or hitting out of anger, check check and check. So why? Oh yeah, pussy, the cavemen didn't even make fifty. Maybe I can have a chat with the geico rep not the gecko, we can dialog it, dial it in, make it all better; in fifteen years or less.

Deregulation Ligature Marks

Ouch, nice grid burns buddy. The sound of popping fiber optics underwater: muted thrum ping. Ooh, have you ever been pacified, well, I have. Although, they just said, "Control, Control", that time. Spacecraft Corot successfully blasted off yesterday, spearheading the search for another Earth among the stars. Apple probed. Freaks ho! Lets the biopics begin. Bird flu slow burn? Beats trekking to Hajj.

Dec 29, 2006

47 Hits

And they're all me, looking back at me, wondering: What the fuck is wrong with that guy? Back when I was a little girl, it was all so much simpler. If only I'd found that little black girl of my dreams, the one my Uncle Anonymous was always teasing me about; I think he had a slight kink for them. And yes Mr PC master, you can't say black girl anymore, but I can say: Go fuck yourself. Oh, you're all tuckered out from doing that already and still not slaked? That kind of sore, that never sleeps? My sympathies, or whatever that is in pretendspeak.

Stronger Hammer Staver Faster

I don't care how much wider it is and what was missing, I want the top and bottom filled. Freak, they mumble. I'll flag this fucker right now. And speaking of flags, welcome nations. Unique spammer that you are, more of an attention seeker grabber, but thanks for thinking of me, coding me in. That wasn't in the script. Where does she get that from? Spongebob my ass, you want absorption, find a child.

A Pause Trophies Capital

Write me what again? Exchange never for what, and I agree. No ones medium and no ones land. Ed noted, but he burned it up in his mind, ice cream headache for a moment is all, now no more. Some future title for a thesis you also can't understand, but you know what they mean; ent, in sound effect. Media monster "it" seeking tastes like pennies in my mouth, and reminds me of drowning, but I was always a stranger playing at passing here anyway, a big faux. Ho Hollywood.

Dec 28, 2006

Uh Huh Free Like Shh

Or find yourself error served, and lucky if only that.

Dec 27, 2006

Predominantly Probably Shit

Hey, how goes the Greater Middle Eastern Co-Prosperity Scheme? One more number than the other, must mean it got its bell. Nope, they just love numbers that don't mean a damn, loudly inescapably (I e if I want). That was just wrong, or made up, pretending here; cant you take a joke? Speaking of just just joke just fuck off. It's okay, I can say it for you. See how they stare. Sully travelled. They could so bring back Preston Sturges and William Demarest and John Ford and Barbara Stanwyck and Sam Peckinpah and Victor McLaglen with Frank Capra and they still couldn't sell 'ismess; and hell yes Ward Bond, who incidentally was also killed by Dallas, TX (heart attack), but I have yet to hear any conspiracy theories about it. As if we died there, ha ha, stillborn, with a slavery stake through its heart. Native genocide, check. What you got? You want next? And still it splays, spreads.

Dec 26, 2006

Yes There Is

No sweeter lie, even written better. Truth, feign faint, palpitate, palm sweat, swinging, however you take it, is what people would prefer, if they could get it; but when they who do, do, they usually don't care for its taste. I'm leaving it for its fuckatie. Said like that, means, s'broken. The mountains don't weep for us. Mourn, or else, Turkman. Here's 100 mil and there's more where that came from, if Fatah wins of course. IAEA? No, it goes aeiou, and sometimes y. W? Mm no, said like the first half of nuts. Drink your milk now Arnold. Stafford remembered for his integrity, dedication to principle. He didn't have any, but he was stubborn about it. One storm and the whole flying world quakes. Sure, I'll call Master Bono, Sir, Sir Somebodystuffadickinthatguysmouthalreadysheesh. You think he really cares? He's the only one I know with a bigger god complex than all the doctors I've ever met, et fucking al., you know the types; like me and crazy! I just wish I didn't come off so negative. Ahfuck that!

Dec 25, 2006

Some Sloppy Wet Thing

I thought I told me not to read that? You, will also work. Ah crease, mas. When that green, turns to red, then you'll know the bronchial pneumonia has sunk in. I promise that I'll visit you in the hospital, really! Well I wouldn't, not without latex gloves and a respirator, you know, like for school. Why you always goota be suck a downer man? Leaving it is hard, dutch slang or worn letters, I'll never tell. Gob bless dem evewy one, and you too, fucker; I still love ya still.

Dec 24, 2006

Sadly Truly Lala

Sometimes I speak and wonder, who is that and what do they want?

Dec 23, 2006

Never Read That

Never get out of the boat, three times mantra. Slump down into the lowest bow, fire up. End comes for us all but I took you in a picture long ago anyway and you never even knew. Clocking kapok for the raft back, some glorious future? Better that maybe, you invest in dump future and plastique bullet; best ride to nowhere/forever.

Dec 22, 2006

Chin On Hand Flat Mouth

What's up madworld? Better than ever and fading fast, thanks much. At least I recycle, unlike your cup there. No, not me personally, my body, except for the waterproof non-stick bits. It could go any old either way. What is a "good" blog? I like the ones where girls out themselves, but how they do it, I will never know. Honesty, honestly, eek. However could they want that, and here we've worked so hard to give them the sweeter lie. It's okay, I only bang this to poke holes in, that and at the screens; calling bullsh on myself, honing the hating, occasionally, making, nice. Better a hand across the hair gently, repeat. Tell them everything you've never told anyone else, ever. They can only visit it, you live there; or it lives in you; semantrick.

Dec 21, 2006

Eight Days Of Something

Baby said, "We've only got this one life." I replied, "There's a lot of debate about that." Everyone decides on their own, mighty big kinda added, but if they're honest they do, an even bigger maybe. Rolling in your sleep, thumping the matt, an uncontrollable raising of the eyes. Or lifting, it wasn't the good way, doesn't matter. But those are the kind we can't give up! The little breaking, freeze, thaw, freezes of our skies. Yes with an I. Not going back there; better lava and the cooling, it replenishes at least, after the burn. Yes no comebacks.

Dec 20, 2006

Jump Rope Petty

I could put an arrow on it, but don't read this, and don't click that. Johnson conscious! Love that line. Curious bystander army, either looking down for signs of non still life or the bouncing balls of the cocktail internal on tilt, stoked not by what, but what not, can no soothing come within? Girls are as dirty as those tiny pointillistic fingerprints on skeeball rows, and you boy, and what of it? They always think it'll be robots or aliens, jesus with a flaming sword. Amazonia as a sugar and soybean plantation. Enjoy. Breathing.

Dec 19, 2006

Pudding On A Holiday

Tropical blues and the tapioca smack, smack. Marry Chris Miss? Done did it huh, here you go again. Child bride at thirty five and holding? Given away at nine, apres le divorce, then, the drying visits? Let all of it go? What would I have to grind Mister? Talk to me palm sweat, what's, your thing? Well, I didn't have time for a list, just now. Could we make a date? For transferring thoughts through skin to skin tactile sensation-speak? Later on the same day. Later on.

Dec 18, 2006

Learning To Think

Before speaking, it was all so clear. I'd take you by the fire and we'd groom each other, then off for water, to the furs. No, not a cycle of revenge killings, this isn't that kind of movie. Yes, that's fake blood. Thresh that chaff all you want, twas genetically modified to be grain fallow, hollowed out. That ain't no sad song, it is, plaintive, though.

Dec 17, 2006

Tabac Poisoned And We Zing

Ah mi familia. What does who say to whom? And from whence, where goes it? Who (still) speaks (ever?) and how do they, if they do? Do you know what yours need and care enough to stretch across it? Do they know, and do that for you? So much doodoo, ach, ein fucking care. What's that? Get the fuck out! My string is fragile and easily broken, but I only eat my tail anyway, so no great loss. We are mighty expendable, make that expandable, no, a dirigible, Unknowable.

Dec 16, 2006

Early Happy Xmas

Duquense incline meet cocaine nosedive. No? Alcohol fueled metal ditch magnet drive? Draft on aisle orange. Daft full on and broken.

Dec 15, 2006

Dicks Shameless Chuckles

Jolly day, for the fat man in the chair with the diaphragm whip and the Aarpista whitebread army, lockstep, although he rides in a carriage, held aloft by good grandchildren, course. We are what we are indoctrinated. Gene says, South Dakota Heathcare Sweepstakes? Ha, I don't think so. Hey, I'm a prostitute, pay me to stay home, they're serial killers about, around here, too. Ambitious UN agenda? Stopped trains are faster. Boston is insane. Gaza, same. NJ, gay. And I still like it, from NW green and granite to grime to casino and cocoa butter coast to pine barrens all the way to the SE and the ferry in Cape May; but you can have SW to NE, I've seen 95, NY, and hell before. Psych, I love that too. Really, a good urban escapade nee escape is a great rush. I don't know, it's all French to me.
Yak butter tea and black beans.

Dec 14, 2006

Bathing Shetland Sheepdogs

First you take the heat on a big berry bongo, papaya or mango, thank you. Next customer! What you want? If they still have soul, ever had it, "darling?" No period necessary. A one billion dollar stadium, now tell me what we really care about most, teachers are cheap, while coaches are top bracket. We have the retail and wholesale, guess what you get? Shocked. No, not one thing here is related, not even.

Dec 13, 2006

Triad Beats Teeming Bleats

Razed, reformed, and busted out. Define nothing! Yowl, but keep at it, and I will send you to your room. When I think of shaking tails I think cat; chickens are stupid, in that worst, human way. In other worlds, do they have time for melancholy? Do they have graphites, paper and free time? Oil spots, pavements, cold shoulders moves, shoulders? Questions that don't lead to more? Any aliens like us?

Dec 12, 2006

Since I've Started

Now is the time we steal sad souls, psych, they're mafia fronts and the you don't want to know times ala, yes a lot. #1 Everyone can get got to, but mostly they all want to give it op. I said it. Lay down and arch. Keep your eyes on down, unless I'm in your mouth. And talking, wait my head exploded, that is so a pass. I can do it, why can't they, is not my, some word like um bailiwick, but different. I have no jurisdiction, and I talka like ze cracker, sentences stretched out behind me in guilt at my bad grammar and some colors that mean bad prose. I do not give a 2p fuckityfuck, I'm guilty just like you, of course you can write and are prettier by far, me: backward bowing out of the room. Some never leave, and some never return, in person, and in the minds of us all. It made sense at the time,
I'm leaving it. Yes, it sure is a shame about the blue stains.

Dec 11, 2006

That Boy Need Help

Better put a taxon its ass. Annan urges, yawns erupt. Pinochet is a slur, on August. Obama think so, Hillary, either. Holocaust, what holocaust? Seventh great extinction, uh huh, to the power of seven maybe. Guess who's up? Turkey in Europe? The 8-ball says: nyet, not yet, never, fuck that, etc. Add your own game or dissipation, mixes.

Create A Blog

Is next to help, for a reason. What was I going to say? Stupid flapping diversions, coming home to roost again. Let me count the ways I turn my self invisible, to you. Nobody home there, they gone. In the night? Sunday afternoon, front door slams, followed by the car door, a screeching tires job. What's it to ya? Did you know them? Really really. Where was I? Gone again. Forgetful, then loopy, then lost in a single sentence; it will never be right. Broken clock faces, always did me in. Utor is pretty, but Durian was a monster; you will never know.

Dec 10, 2006

Beyond The Edge Of Everything

How will they eff me this time? Oof off! Leaving, there's that word again. How do they get past it? And does it dash it really matter to anyone out there not you or the one you break for, and breakdown on, or you just plain break down, it so happens all the time, wait make that last a semi-colon and stop. The scavengers, care, about your problems. Your plastic bottles their collectibles, leachate camp très magnifique; where can't the bulldozers go?

Dec 9, 2006

One Stolen Pic Left

On to the next set.
Stem cells in the hatch,
ready for liftoff,
an all float.
Doors in the night.
PS Fuck you too Google.
This is not my life.
This is not my edit.

Dec 8, 2006

Recourse Of Course Off

1:1 if I had a picture they'd just bug me, want the passport or figured out, fixed as if we were a porsche, no, not that safe. Something quite unpronounceable, and hey, what is that, word anyway? Somewhere between Schadenfreude and Ennui, you gave it up for numb and silent scream movies on loop, flickering like a tv
seen from outside. Is it on, in your head right now?

Dec 7, 2006

My Squidbilly Typist

And eight hearts to match! More suction than your Dyson and stickers out the azimuth. The best kind of bind, is two sided tape, copies to be held by both parties in deepest memory dusty. I've got spiders, but they stay in the corners and once a year I'll roll then weave all the webs up into one and shimmy down into the sublevels, nothing but a pair of eyes, for stroller eyes. This is not a draft. This is not cold.

Dec 6, 2006

Babysitter For Life

Never the bride. Que linda, and so beautiful, okay. The heat melts the cheese, and the cooling, coats. Don't write when you're not high. Leavings last a long time, except for the ones, you'd rather not have ever had. All the words mean something else, if not three things and a backslap from a foreign friend. This one is for the asphalt victims.

Dec 5, 2006

Paddy Quake Bot Parade

Ricotta comma pasta layers are necessary. This one is a pour for dead (to me) songs gone commercial muzay. Baby is bored and priorities, are just that, and so much more than this. Muah!

Dec 4, 2006

The Breaking Up Of A Bastard

Ink to me. They'll never forget, but real estate slates beckon. See you in Seattle. Falling for coffee and video poker things I won't go into. Yes, said just like that. Mommy stay off of the boats and away from those boys know when to gun it. Not like boom like gone and yes, always have been, translators come hard here. I miss the sound of pinging insulators, big glass cones reflecting the heat warped doppler bounce of tonnage bound for the coast and back again; rocks tanks cars chemicals and grains; billions of tiny engraven indentions.

Dec 3, 2006

From A Sunny Vale

You can see forever in a fuck you.

Dec 2, 2006

Why Is It All So Wide

Gnosis claim jumpers, this is not my font. Unknowable like it all, he means, we all. No ring stories, no good or bad orcs, just stories. Tell me as you fall asleep, nothing else will I believe, at least that's the way, it is for me. No smoke, no waiting; what did I say? I can't remember, the thing is, you'll never forget. Enough? Basta.

Dec 1, 2006

Shaving With Hazel

And the cream of the creme of the discreet and the discrete ones who are really not but bit off. S'more like melting, the dry smacking sound of dehydration, the slow match below the low blood sugar fuse. Puffy feeling and prickled by the lack of words? Mostly, what could even say? Better broken and understood. At water they whine.